As a Third-Party Servicer user, where can I find cases for my associated school(s)?
Third-Party Servicer users who have been approved to perform actions on behalf of a school will be able to view cases associated to the given school(s) on the school's Dashboard.
As a School Eligibility & Oversight Administrator, how can I add/remove/update access to Third-Party Servicer users?
School Eligibility & Oversight Administrators can designate a Third-Party Servicer to work on behalf of the school in the e-App. Once the e-App and Third-Party Servicer Inquiry Form (if applicable) are completed and approved, the School Eligibility & Oversight Administrator can add the Third-Party Servicer in the Account Access Management Center and grant the Third-Party Servicer access to administer aspects of an institution’s participation in the Title IV programs, including but not limited to viewing and managing a school's cases and completing the e-App. Once the Third-Party Servicer is added by the school, the Third-Party Servicer Eligibility & Oversight Admin can enroll users from their organization and manage access accordingly.
How can I complete the DocuSign?
The DocuSign functionality allows signatures to be collected from any required party even those that do not have a Partner Connect (FSA) account. If a signature is required, FSA will send a DocuSign signature request by email. The signed document is automatically linked to a Partner Connect case. DocuSign emails are received from
When will an authorized signature authority or delegated authority receive the email request for DocuSign signature of a Third-Party Servicer (TPS) Inquiry Form?
An email with DocuSign signature instructions will be sent to the signee’s business email address generally within an hour after a user clicks on the “Submit for Signature” button. Once the Third-Party Servicer Inquiry Form has been signed by the authorized signature authority or delegated authority via DocuSign, it will be submitted automatically to Federal Student Aid for processing.
There are a number of new questions in the new version of the or the Third-Party Servicer (TPS) Inquiry Form. Do I have to answer all of the new questions the first time I prepare an update in the new system?
The first time an authenticated user submits an E-App, regardless of the reason, answers to all new questions and a review of the full TPS Inquiry Form will be required.