New Features FAQ

Browse frequently asked questions and answers regarding New Features on FSA Partner Connect.

Below is a summary of the new FSA Partner Connect features that are available as of December 18, 2023. For additional information, please visit the Electonic Announcement (GENERAL-23-86) FSA Partner Connect – Implementation Planned for December 2023; E-App and Other Actions Required by Nov. 17 and Nov. 24, 2023. E-App – A new version of the E-App will be available in FSA Partner Connect for partners to submit new applications for school eligibility, recertifications of school eligibility, and other program participation changes. Partner Connect also will provide access to an automated pre-eligibility application for new applicants and schools seeking reinstatement. Eligibility & Oversight Administrator Role – The Eligibility & Oversight Administrator will facilitate account management and grant access to those who will edit and update the E-App and view specific eligibility and oversight-related cases. There also will be an option to designate an alternate. Third-Party Servicer Relationships – A school’s Eligibility & Oversight Administrator will be able to grant the school’s third-party servicers access to certain systems. Third-Party Servicer Inquiry Form – This form—used to validate the information reported to FSA by higher education institutions about the third-party servicers who administer one or more aspects of the Title IV, HEA programs on an institution’s behalf—will be available on FSA Partner Connect. All third-party servicers will be required to electronically submit the form after implementation and keep it up to date going forward. Reports – Partners will have access to reports associated with Title IV participation. Users will be able to view and download reports.

The “New Features” page can be accessed through the carousel on the FSA Partner Connect home page or via this link – FSA Partner Connect New Features.

FSA Partner Connect is fully supported by the following browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox (Version 68 and above)

  • Apple Safari (Version 9 and above)

  • Google Chrome (Version 76 and above)

  • Microsoft Edge (Version 79 and above)