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Federal Perkins Loan Program - Making & Disbursing Loans

AwardYear: 1996-1997
EnterChapterNo: 6
EnterChapterTitle: Federal Perkins Loan Program
SectionNumber: 2
SectionTitle: Making & Disbursing Loans
PageNumbers: 11-20

[[34CFR 674.16(c)(2)]]
The definition of "making a loan" has been changed. A Federal
Perkins Loan or National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) is now
considered to be made when the borrower has signed the promissory
note for the award year and the school makes the first disbursement
of loan funds under that promissory note for that award year. Prior to
1996-97, a borrower was required to sign the promissory note for
each advance AT THE TIME he or she received each disbursement,
and a loan was considered to be made when the borrower signed for
an advance of loan funds and those funds were disbursed. Beginning
July 1,1996, the student is required to sign the promissory note only
once each award year. The borrower must sign before the school
disburses any loan funds to him or her under that note for that award
year. However, a school may continue to require a borrower to sign
for each advance if it chooses to do so. The new signature
requirement applies in the case of either a "closed-end" promissory
note or an "open-ended" promissory note. (See page 6-18 for
definitions of open-ended and closed-end promissory notes.)

[[Financial need - Other resources = Maximum loan eligibility]]
A financial aid administrator may not award or disburse a Perkins
Loan or NDSL to a student if the combination of that loan and all of
the student's other resources would exceed the student's need. The
aid administrator must take into account those resources that he or
she can reasonably anticipate at the time aid is awarded to the
student, those the school makes available to its students, or those the
aid administrator knows about. A list of resources and a discussion of
overawards are in Chapter 5, Section 2.

[[34CFR 668.161 through 668.166]]
The regulations now provide uniform cash management rules, which
became effective July 1, 1995, for the Student Financial Assistance
(SFA) Programs. These provisions cover disbursing funds to a
student, crediting a student's account, calculating allowable charges,
and holding student loans, and they are discussed in Chapter 3,
Section 3. The major provisions affecting Perkins Loan disbursement
are discussed on page 6-19.


If a student is attending a school that does NOT participate in the
Federal Perkins Loan Program's Expanded Lending Option (ELO),
which is discussed below, the maximum annual amount an eligible
student may borrow is

- $3,000 per award year for a student who has not successfully
completed a program of undergraduate education or

- $5,000 per award year for a graduate or professional student.

The maximum cumulative amount an eligible student may borrow at
schools that do NOT participate in the ELO is

- $15,000 for a student who has not successfully completed a
program of undergraduate education or

- $30,000 for a graduate or professional student, including loans
borrowed as an undergraduate student.

[[Expanded Lending Option (ELO)]]
A school that maintains a cohort default rate of 15% or less may
participate in the ELO if the school has signed an ELO participation
agreement with ED. (Cohort default rates are discussed in Section 8
of this chapter.)

Schools participating in the ELO are required to match the Federal
Capital Contribution (FCC) on a dollar-for-dollar basis, and they
may make loans to students at higher annual and cumulative loan
limits than nonparticipating schools.

[[Loan limits at ELO schools]]
If a student is attending a school that participates in the ELO, the
maximum annual amount the student may borrow is

- $4,000 per award year for a student who has not successfully
completed a program of undergraduate education or

- $6,000 per award year for a graduate or professional student.

The maximum cumulative amount an eligible student may borrow at
a school that participates in the ELO is

- $20,000 for a student who has successfully completed two years
of a program leading to a bachelor's degree but who has not
completed the work necessary for the degree;

- $40,000 for a graduate or professional student, including loans
borrowed as an undergraduate student; or

- $8,000 for all other students.

[[Effect of repayment on loan limit]]
All of the cumulative maximum amounts listed here include all
Defense Loans, NDSLs, and Federal Perkins Loans a borrower may
have. Unlike repayment in the Federal Family Education Loan
(FFEL) Program, repayment in the Perkins Loan Program does not
establish a new cumulative loan limit. For example, a student who
had borrowed the maximum cumulative amount for a graduate or
professional student would not be eligible for another loan even if
the student had repaid part or all of the amount he or she borrowed.

[[Study abroad]]
A student engaged in a program of study abroad may receive a
Perkins Loan provided that he or she meets all eligibility
requirements. A student studying abroad in a program approved for
credit by the home school where the student is enrolled may exceed
the annual and/or cumulative loan limits by 20% if reasonable costs
of the program exceed the cost of attending the home school.

[[Loans limits for teacher-certification students]]
A student enrolled in a teacher certification program may be
considered either an undergraduate or a graduate student. This
determination is left to the student's school. The borrowing limit for
a student enrolled in a teacher certification program depends on the
school's determination of his or her status (undergraduate or
graduate). A teacher-certification student who is considered to be a
graduate student and who has already borrowed the cumulative
maximum allowed for an undergraduate is eligible to receive an
additional Perkins Loan or NDSL. A teacher-certification student
who is considered to be an undergraduate student and who has
already borrowed the cumulative maximum allowed for an
undergraduate is not eligible to receive an additional Perkins Loan or


[[School must provide certain information]]
NDSL DISBURSEMENT, the school must have the student sign the
promissory note. (See Section 2 of this chapter.) The school must
also furnish the student with certain information. It must inform the
student about his or her rights and responsibilities under the Federal
Perkins Loan Program, and it must inform him or her that the loan
may be used only for educational expenses and that he or she must
repay the loan. The school should also make sure the student knows
that the SCHOOL holds the promissory note.

A school must also provide the student with the following
information in writing before making the first loan disbursement:

1. the name of the school and the addresses where payments and
communications should be sent;

2. a statement indicating that the school will report the outstanding
balance of the loan to a national credit bureau at least annually;

3. the principal amount of the loan;

4. the stated interest rate;

5. the maximum yearly and cumulative amounts the student may

6. an explanation of when the student must start repayment and
when he or she must begin paying the interest that accrues;

7. the maximum and minimum repayment terms the school may
impose and the minimum monthly payment required;

8. a statement of the total cumulative balance owed by the student
to that school and an estimate of the monthly payment amount
needed to repay that balance;

9. options the borrower may have to consolidate or refinance;

10. the borrower's right to prepay all or part of the loan at any time
without penalty;

11. a summary of circumstances in which repayment of the loan
principal or interest may be deferred or canceled, including a brief
notice about the Department of Defense program for repaying
loans based on certain military service;

12. a definition of default and the consequences for the borrower,
including a statement that the school may report the default to a
national credit bureau;

13. the effect that accepting the loan will have on the borrower's
eligibility for other types of student aid;

14. a complete list of charges connected with making the loan,
including whether those charges are deducted from the loan or
whether the student must pay them separately; and

15. an explanation of the costs that may be assessed the student in
collecting the loan, such as late charges and collection and
litigation costs.

The school must provide this information to the student--in writing--
as part of the application material, as part of the promissory note, or
on a separate form. Although the information can be mailed to a
student, it is preferable for the aid administrator to meet with the
student to answer any questions and to emphasize his or her
responsibility to repay the loan.

[[Obtain information from students]]
The school is encouraged to use this initial counseling session to
obtain the following information from a student:

- the student's name, current address, and Social Security Number;

- the student's parents' permanent address;

- the student's and his or her parents' telephone numbers;

- the student's expected date of graduation;

- the student's spouse's name and address;

- the student's spouse's employer;

- the names and addresses of two or three of the student's personal
acquaintances; and

- the student's drivers license number, if any.

This information could be valuable later for use in collection
procedures, and it will help the school locate a student who leaves
school without notice or who does not attend the exit interview.
Effective pre-loan counseling sessions will satisfy the school's
requirement to tell each borrower about his or her rights and
obligations and to provide information about the requirement to
repay the loan. However, this counseling may not be used to satisfy
the requirement for an exit interview. (See Section 6 of this chapter
for more information.)


The promissory note is the legally binding document that is evidence
of a borrower's indebtedness to a school. A student must sign this
note before he or she can receive any Perkins Loan funds and must
be given a copy of the note at (or before) the exit interview. The note
includes information about the loan's interest rate, repayment terms,
and minimum rates of repayment; deferment, forbearance, and
cancellation provisions; collection costs; attorney fees; and late

[["Dear Colleague" letters CB-93-9 and CB-96-8]]
ED has issued two sets of different promissory notes, either of which
a school may use. "Dear Colleague" letter CB-93-9, dated July 1993,
included information and sample promissory notes. ED issued
redesigns of the July 1993 promissory notes in "Dear Colleague"
letter 96-8, dated May 1996. Both sets of notes (July 1993 and May
1996) include all changes required by the Higher Education
Amendments of 1992. A school is not required to use the redesigned
notes. A school, however, is required to use a promissory note that
the Secretary has approved.

A promissory note must state that the school is required to disclose to
any one of the national credit bureaus with which ED has an
agreement the amount of the loan made to the borrower along with
other relevant information. The note must also state that if the
borrower defaults on the loan, the school is required to disclose the
default and any other relevant information to the same national credit
bureau to which it originally reported the loan. Since the 1993-94
award year, a school has been required to provide this information to
a borrower in writing but not necessarily on the promissory note. The
requirement to provide this information on the promissory note
became effective with the 1995-96 award year.

[[Minor who signs promissory note]]
The Higher Education Amendments of 1992 eliminated the "defense
of infancy," whereby the signing of a contract by a minor would not
create a binding obligation. Under this provision of the law, a minor
may sign a promissory note without an endorser or any security, and
the minor who signs is responsible for repayment regardless of any
state law to the contrary.

If the school does not have a valid note or other written evidence that
would be upheld in a court of law, the school has no recourse against
a borrower who defaults. In such cases, the school would have to
repay to its Perkins Loan fund any amounts loaned, whether
recovered from the borrower or not, as well as any ACA claimed on
those amounts. Two examples of invalid notes are notes that have
been changed after they were signed and notes without proper
signatures or dates for loan advances.


ED redesigned the July 1993 promissory notes to facilitate
implementing the signature requirement change, which allows a
school to obtain a borrower's signature on the note only once each
award year, rather than each time a disbursement is made. The May
1996 promissory note is a single-page (front and back) document.
Separate promissory notes based on the borrower's enrollment status
(half time or greater or less than half time) have been eliminated, as
were separate sections for obtaining information on prior Federal
Perkins Loans and for obtaining a borrower's signature for each loan

There are no new provisions in the May 1996 notes. A school still
has the option of using a closed-end or open-ended note. The sample
promissory notes issued in July 1993 are open-ended notes. Those
issued in May 1996 are provided in both formats. As stated
previously, a school is not required to use the May 1996 notes. If a
school chooses to use the July 1993 promissory notes, it will be
required to obtain the borrower's signature for each advance
(disbursement) of the loan. A SCHOOL MAY NOT ALTER THE
the school uses a July 1993 note is required to sign at the end of the
last page of the note.


A school may develop its own notes, which may include some or all
of the optional provisions in the ED-provided note. However, a
school-designed note must include all of the required information
and must be based on the sample notes ED has provided. A school
may not change the text or the order of the text in the ED-provided
notes, and a school may not add provisions to the note. The school
may add such information as the student's driver's license number to
the note.

There is no minimum size of type or print specified for the notes.
However, the notes must be legible so that a borrower would not be
able to claim a defense against repayment of the loan because the
print was too small to be read.


[[July 1993 promissory notes]]
Optional provisions regarding a minimum monthly payment amount
are included in the July 1993 sample promissory notes (bracketed
paragraphs III(5)(A) and III(5)(B)), and a school may choose to
include these provisions. However, a school must either include both
paragraphs or omit both paragraphs. If a school includes both
paragraphs in the promissory note, the note must state the exact
minimum monthly payment amount. If a school does not include the
minimum monthly payment option in the note, the school may not
require a minimum monthly payment amount from the borrower.

[[May 1996 promissory notes]]
The optional provision regarding a minimum monthly payment
amount is included as a single, optional sentence at the end of the
repayment paragraph on page 1 of the May 1996 promissory notes.
A school would include this sentence in the promissory note if the
school is exercising the minimum monthly payment amount
provision. Page 2 of the May 1996 promissory notes includes a
summary of this provision.

If the optional provisions are included in the school's note, a
minimum monthly payment of $40 is required for a loan made on or
after October 1, 1992 to a borrower who had no outstanding balance
on a Perkins Loan, NDSL, or Defense Loan on the date the loan was
made. (For other borrowers, the monthly minimum amount remains


If a school is developing its own notes, it may use either "closed-
end" ("limited") or "open-ended" notes. A note may be printed on
more than one sheet of paper if the borrower signs each page or if
each page contains the number of that page plus the total number of
pages in the note (for example, page 1 of 3, page 2 of 3).

[[Time limit for closed-end notes]]
- "CLOSED-END" OR "LIMITED" NOTE. This note is valid for
not more than 12 months and usually covers one award year or
one academic year. It may also be used for a single academic term.
The loan amount must be entered in the note. Closed-end notes
can be designed for a single disbursement (if the award is less than
$501) or multiple disbursements. If a school uses multiple
disbursements and uses the July 1993 promissory notes, the
borrower must sign for each advance. If there will be only one
disbursement, the borrower's signature at the end of the note is

- "OPEN-ENDED" NOTE. If a school uses an open-ended note, it
does not have to issue new notes for future loans it makes to the
same borrower UNLESS the requirements of the Federal Perkins
Loan Program are changed by statute or regulation. An open-
ended note may be used for several years.

The sample notes in "Dear Colleague" letter CB-93-9 are open-
ended notes. This open-ended note does not itself contain the
specific amount of the approved loan. Instead, at the time of each
disbursement, the school must enter the amount advanced and the
date of receipt in the "Schedule of Advances," which is a part of
the note. The borrower must sign this schedule EACH TIME he or
she receives a disbursement. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE

"Dear Colleague" letter CB-96-8 also provides an open-ended
note. Unlike the July 1993 open-ended note, this open-ended note
contains the specified amount of the approved loan for each award

[[Requirements for loans that have been paid in full]]
When a borrower has fully repaid a loan, the school must mark the
note "paid in full," have it certified by an official of the school, and
give the original note to the borrower. The school must keep a copy
of the note for at least five years after the date the loan was repaid in


A school may not disburse funds for a payment period until the
student enrolls for that period.

The regulations now provide uniform cash management rules for all
SFA programs. These rules are discussed in this handbook in
Chapter 3, Section 3. These regulations became effective for the
1995-96 award year.

The school must report the disbursement and amount of each Perkins
Loan or NDSL to a national credit bureau with which ED has an
agreement. See Section 10, "Credit-Bureau Reporting," for further
details on complying with this requirement.

[[34CFR Section 674.16(f)]]
Keep in mind that if a school makes payments before the student
begins attendance, it must accept responsibility for any overpayment.
If a student withdraws--or is expelled--before the first day of classes,
for example, all funds disbursed are considered an overpayment and
must be restored to the Federal Perkins Loan fund. A student who
never begins class is considered to have withdrawn.

[[Power of attorney--34CFR Section 674.16(i)]]
A school official may not obtain a student's power of attorney to
endorse any check used to disburse funds or to sign for any loan
advance unless ED has granted prior approval. ED would not grant
such a power of attorney unless the school could demonstrate that
there is no one else (such as a relative, landlord, or member of the
clergy) who could act on behalf of the student. There are no
exceptions to gaining prior approval to obtain a student's power of
attorney. For a student studying abroad, the school does not
automatically obtain the student's power of attorney; the school will
still be required to request ED's approval and to demonstrate that
there is no one else who can act on behalf of the student.

[[Disbursing at standard-term schools]]
If a school is making a loan for a full academic year and uses
standard academic terms, the school must advance a portion of the
loan during each payment period. Payment periods are defined as
semesters, trimesters, or quarters. The amount advanced is usually
determined by dividing the award by the number of payment periods
in the academic year.

[[Disbursing at nonstandard-term schools]]
If the school does not use standard academic terms, it must advance
funds at least twice during the academic year--once at the beginning
and once at the midpoint. Normally, no more than half the loan may
be advanced before the midpoint. A school must also advance funds
at least twice during an eligible six-month training program.

[[Student attending less than a full academic year]]
For a student attending less than a full academic year, the amount
advanced is determined by dividing the award by the number of
payment periods the student will attend in the academic year. Only
one payment is necessary if the total Perkins Loan amount awarded
to a student for an academic year is less than $501.

[[Uneven costs]]
If a student incurs uneven costs or resources during an academic year
and needs additional funds during a payment period, the school may
advance the additional amount REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE
student who will receive a $1,000 Perkins Loan must spend $300 for
books and supplies at the beginning of the school year. That $300
could be disbursed along with the first payment. To determine the
first payment, subtract the extra amount (in this case, $300) from the
total loan and divide the remainder by the number of payment
periods. The regular amount for one payment period is then added to
the extra amount to determine the initial payment.

A school that has a two-semester system would determine the
payments as follows:

[[The calculation on page 6-20 is currently unavailable for viewing.
Please reference your paper handbook for additional information.]]

Within a payment period, the school may advance funds in whatever
installments it determines will best meet the student's needs.