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Federal Pell Grant Program - Appendix B: Description of the Student Payment Summary

AwardYear: 1996-1997
EnterChapterNo: 4
EnterChapterTitle: Federal Pell Grant Program
SectionTitle: Appendix B: Description of the Student Payment Summary
PageNumbers: 101-106

Upper left hand corner of the SPS:

CAMPUS). The school's Pell Institution Number, name, and

Number, name, and address of the school actually attended by the
students listed. If the system has branch campuses with unique Pell
Institution Numbers, the Department produces a separate section for
each Attended Campus.

Student information:

STUDENT NAME. The student's full name, as reported to the CPS
for the Transaction Number shown.

CURRENT SOC SEC NO. The student's CURRENT Social Security
Number, as reported to the CPS for the Transaction Number shown.

DATE OF BIRTH. The student's date of birth (MMDDYY), as
reported to the CPS for the Transaction Number shown.

TRANS NO. The two-digit Transaction Number assigned by the
CPS to identify uniquely a particular record for a student. This
number indicates the specific Payment Data record the school
submitted to the Department.

EFC. The student's eligibility for a Pell, as determined by the CPS
for the Transaction Number shown. The Department uses this EFC to
match student payment records with the corresponding eligible
applicant record. Unless the school indicates that it based payment
on the Secondary EFC, the Department uses this EFC for payment

Processed Payment Data information:

(10-6) SECONDARY EFC. The Secondary EFC,*1* if any,
calculated for the student by the CPS. The application processing
system establishes Primary and Secondary EFCs as follows:

PRIMARY EFC. If the applicant qualifies for the simplified
formula, the Primary EFC reflects this calculation; if not, the
Primary EFC reflects the regular formula calculation.

SECONDARY EFC. If the applicant qualifies for the simplified
formula but also provides complete data, the Secondary EFC
reflects the regular formula calculation; otherwise, the Secondary
EFC is blank.

(10) EFC USED. The EFC the school reported as the basis for the
student's award. A "6" indicates the school based the award on the
student's Secondary EFC. A "1" indicates the school previously
reported that it used the Secondary EFC and then updated the record
to revert to the primary EFC.

(2) ACAD CAL. The student's academic calendar.

(3) COST OF ATTEND. The student's cost of attendance for a full
academic year.

(4) VERIFICATION STATUS. The current status of verification of
the student's application data. For each active student record shown
with a verification status of "W" (Without documentation), the
school must submit an update to the student's record to indicate that
it completed the verification process. Until the Department receives
and accepts the update, the Department will honor only up to one-
half of the student's Scheduled Award. The Department will reduce
the student's award to $0 if the school does not report an acceptable
verification status code.

(5A) ENROLLMENT STATUS. The student's enrollment status
(full time, half time, three-quarter time, less-than-half time, other) if
enrolled in programs measured by terms--otherwise, blank.

(5B) HOURS/CREDITS PAID. The number of hours/credits the
school expects the student to complete in all payment periods in the
award year if the student is enrolled in a clock-hour program or a
nonterm credit-hour program--otherwise, blank.

(5C) HOURS/CREDITS IN PGM. The number of hours/credits in
the academic year for the program in which the student is enrolled, if
the student is enrolled in a clock-hour program or a nonterm credit-
hour program--otherwise, blank.

(5D) WEEKS USED. The number of weeks of instructional time the
school used to calculate the Pell payment (see page 4-77 for
information on how schools determine this number). For programs
using Formula 1, this item is blank.

(5E) WEEKS IN PGM. For students in programs using Formula 1,
this item is blank. For students in all other programs, the number of
weeks of instructional time in the academic year for the program in
which the student is enrolled.

(5F) PAY METH. The formula used to calculate the student's Pell

(11) INCAR. Blank unless the student is incarcerated. Y if the
student is incarcerated but eligible to receive a Pell; N if the school
previously reported that the student was incarcerated and then
updated to indicate that the student is not incarcerated.

(6 + 7) TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT. The total payment for this
award year that the Department accepted for the student. This
amount equals the sum of "Amount Paid to Date" and "Remaining
Amount to be Paid." If the Total Payment Amount shown disagrees
with the VALID Pell payments the school will make to the student,
the school must provide corrected student payment amount(s) to the
Department. A blank Total Payment Amount indicates an inactive
payment record (see ACT on page 4-104).

REC STA. The current status of the student's data in the
Department's records, which corresponds to the categories in Section
2 of the IPS Batch Reports. The status codes are--

E Rejected with errors; record retained in the Federal Pell Grant
files (2a on the IPS Batch Report). The school must correct the
errors and resubmit them to the Department.

A Accepted with assumptions; record retained in the Federal Pell
Grant files (2b on the IPS Batch Report). The school must review
these carefully and resubmit updates if the Department's
assumptions do not agree with the student's award information.

I Accepted as reported by the institution; record retained in the
Federal Pell Grant files (2d on the IPS Batch Report). The school
needs to submit updates ONLY if the student's data changes, or
if the school needs to resolve a verification status code of "W."

The SPS does NOT include student payment records rejected in
entirety (Record Status "R" ) or records the school submitted that
duplicated payment data already accepted (Record Status "D"). The
school must correctly submit payment data for rejected records to
receive credit for its payments to these students in its Pell

BATCH NO. The number assigned to the Payment Data batch for the
school's most recent retained submission of this record for the
student. The Batch Number is printed on the IPS Batch Report and is
also provided in the Processed Payment Data (see the appropriate
"User's Guide").

ED use only:

SAR RECORD ID. The student's unique identifier in the
Department's payment records. The SAR Record ID consists of--

Number reported on the student's original application for the
award year.

ORIGINAL NAME CODE. The first two letters of the student's
last name, as reported on the student's original application.

TRANSACTION NUMBER. Sequentially assigned by the CPS to
uniquely identify a particular applicant record for a student.

SEG NO. Segment Number, as assigned to processed payment
records to identify uniquely a particular payment data record for a
student. When the school submits changes to previously reported
data, the Department uses this number to find the corresponding
student record in its payment records. The segment number is given
in positions 116-117 in processed records returned by tape or
electronically; for Floppy Disk Data Exchange users, this number
appears on the Processed Payment Data screen.

ACT. The status of the student's payment data relative to the
school's Pell account. Current (active) payment records appear with
a "receives its SPS on tape, inactive payment records contain an "I" in
position 320. The Department honors payment on only one record
per student for each attended campus. If the institutional system has
branch campuses with unique Pell Institution Numbers, and a student
has attended more than one of these campuses, the school must
review ALL of the student's active payment records to verify that it has
not overpaid the student.

Summary data

The Department provides summary data pages at the end of the SPS.
Pages 2 and 3 of this summary data are produced for each attended
campus the school reported for its students; Page 1 of the summary
data is provided for the Central Administrative Office (Reporting
Campus) only.

Summary data--Page 1

Information reported on your latest Institutional Payment Summary:

DATED XX/XX/XX. Ending Date of the period corresponding to
the "Total Payments to date to Pell Recipients" the school reported.

SCHOOL RECORDS (ITEM 15). This should represent the school's
total payments, less any recoveries the school has restored to its Pell
account, for ALL the school's Pell recipients through the date shown
on the line directly above. If the school misreported this amount on
its last report to the Department, it needs to report its the corrected
figure as soon as possible.

Information summarized from Processed Payment Data on this

TOTAL AMOUNT PAID TO DATE (ITEM 6). Total amount the
Department has accepted to date for "Amount Paid to Date" for the
Payment Data/Processed Payment Data the school has submitted.

amount the Department has accepted to date for "Remaining Amount
to be Paid" for the Payment Data/Processed Payment Data the school

payments the Department has credited to the school for the students
the school reported and the Department accepted, that is, those who
appear on this report. This total, less any payments the school
reported in "Remaining Amount to be Paid" but had not made
through the date indicated above, will equal the "Total Payments to
date to Pell Recipients per school records" listed above. If the school
has reported all its Pell recipients and payment data changes, this
total should also agree with institutional records through that same
date. The school must resolve any discrepancies and submit its
changes to the Department.

individual students (unique combination of original Social Security
Number and original name code) on this report. The Department uses
this number to calculate the school's administrative allowance. For
single campus institutions, this should agree with the total number of
Pell recipients. If it does not, the school needs to resolve the

payment records the Department has for students that it has credited
toward the school's Pell account. The school should have at least one
current payment record for EACH of its Pell recipients. If the
institutional system has branch campuses with unique Pell Institution
Numbers, and this count exceeds the number of unduplicated
recipients above, it indicates that some students have attended more
than one of the campuses. The school must carefully review its
payments to these students to confirm that it has not overpaid them.

student records, current and inactive, on this report.

different attended campuses the school has reported for its students.
If all students have the same Reporting and Attended Campus, a zero
appears here.

Information summarized from Item 2 of your IPS Batch Reports

These counts provide the cumulative total for each listed item from
all of the IPS Batch Reports sent to the school to date for the award
year. The Department provides these counts only to give the school a
record of its total activity and to highlight the number of records
rejected, accepted with assumptions, duplicated, and accepted. Do
NOT try to balance these figures with the individual student detailed
listing of the SPS.

Summary data--Page 2

This summarizes current payment records by EFC range. The
Department also provides the average amount paid each student
within each range, the overall average EFC, and the average payment

COST OF ATTENDANCE STATISTICS. This summarizes current
payment records by Cost of Attendance range. The Department also
provides the overall average Cost of Attendance.

payment records according to each of the verification status codes.
The school may use the "W" (Without documentation) count to
determine the number of students for whom it must still report
completion of the verification process to the Department.

PAYMENT DATA. This provides the totals for Amount Paid to
Date, Remaining Amount to be Paid, and Total Payment Amount for
the current payment records at the attended campus shown in the
upper left corner. These figures appear only on Page 1 for single
campus systems.

FAA EFC ADJUSTMENT STATISTICS. This summarizes current
payment records by EFC used for payment. 1--Orig. EFC indicates
records paid based on the Primary EFC after a Secondary EFC was
previously reported. 6--Secondary EFC Used indicates payment was
made based on a Secondary EFC.

Summary data--Page 3

cumulative summary provides a capsule picture of the number of
error and assumption comments the Department used in processing
the school's student payment data to date. The school should use
these counts to identify any recurring problems it needs to correct in
its reporting.

*1* If the family's adjusted gross income does not exceed the
maximum income that may be earned to claim the maximum federal
earned income tax credit, and an IRS Form 1040 will not be filed,
then the family qualifies for an automatic zero EFC and no
Secondary EFC will be calculated.