
The Department is committed to transparency about the progress of the 2025-26 FAFSA beta and will update this page on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays throughout the beta period. Count numbers involving individuals will be rounded for additional privacy protection. As the beta begins with a small number of participants, certain metrics will be blank until they reach statistical significance.

Included in the data below are counts for students who have started the FAFSA form and those who have submitted their form. There will always be some gap as students are in progress. The gap is larger in the beta due to conditions specific to the beta. Some students need to wait to complete until their contributors are granted permission to access the beta itself. There continue to be no critical bugs blocking submission.

Last updated: Nov. 8.

Beta Participation


Participating students: 15,910

Participating contributors: 8,955

Participating organizations (through Beta 3): 49

Participating IHEs: 1,751

Data Definitions

  • # of participating students: The number of 2025-26 FAFSA forms created for students (either by a student or someone else) during the beta, regardless of completion status.
  • # of participating contributors: The number of contributors added to 2025-26 FAFSA forms during the beta, regardless of the contributors' acceptance of their role or progress completing their portion.
  • # of participating organizations: The number of organizations participating in the beta by recruiting students, hosting FAFSA completion events, and supporting families.
  • # of participating IHEs: The number of institutions of higher education that have received Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) from 2025-26 FAFSA beta participants.

User Surveys


Satisfaction: 95%

Reasonable time: 91%

Data Definitions

  • Satisfaction: Percentage of users who, upon completion, respond "5" or "4" (on a 1-5 scale) to the question, "Please rate your overall satisfaction with the FAFSA form (1 being worst, 5 being best)."
  • Reasonable time: Percentage of users who, upon completion, respond "Strongly agree" or "Agree" to the question, "It took a reasonable amount of time to complete."



Forms submitted: 11,850

ISIRs delivered: 68,137

Data Definitions

  • # of forms submitted: The number of 2025-26 FAFSA forms submitted by students during the beta.
  • # of ISIRs delivered: The number of ISIRs delivered to IHEs and states.